Critical friendship groups aid teacher candidates' reflection, study finds

Student teaching, the time when teacher candidates are apprenticing with a mentor teacher in schools, is…

Quantum interferometry reveals the chosen pathway of coherent phonon generation

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Keio University investigated the excitation and detection of photogenerated…

Flux Puppy: Ecological app for measuring carbon dioxide

“Today I am talking the Flux Puppy for a walk at @HarvardForest to measure stem respiration,”…

How to explore inaccessible places by swarms of sensors

Since the dawn of humankind, exploration of certain places, ranging from the depths of the oceans…

Evidence dinosaur walked on all fours when young and switched to bipedalism as an adult

A team of researchers affiliated with institutions in Argentina and the U.K. has found evidence of…

Biobased nanocarriers to cure plant diseases for the first time

Plant diseases, though a normal part of nature, can have disastrous effects in agriculture. They reduce…

A step closer to decarbonising long-haul road transportation

Thanks to the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, efforts to promote the deployment of…

The case for stabilizing forest carbon to mitigate climate change

There’s no doubt that climate change is affecting ecosystems as well as the lifestyles of plants…

High Life’s sex and black holes sci-fi intrigues without satisfying

High Life, a sci-fi tale of black holes, redemption and sex, intrigues while leaving big questions…

From sharks in seagrass to manatees in mangroves, we've found large marine species in some surprising places

When we think of mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and saltmarshes, we don’t immediately think of shark…