Flux Puppy: Ecological app for measuring carbon dioxide

“Today I am talking the Flux Puppy for a walk at @HarvardForest to measure stem respiration,” NAU postdoctoral researcher Tim Rademacher recently tweeted. With it, a photo of a small white chamber fastened to a tree trunk (think half Dixie cup, half electrode) and hooked at the other end to a handheld tablet sporting a clear, clean graph of CO2 in parts per million. The wire between seems charged with symbolic heft: tying paper to its replacement, or connecting old methods to new. The question Rademacher’s tweet triggers—what’s a flux puppy?—arrives simultaneous to that desire all good marketing teams trade in: I don’t know what it is, but I want one.

Click here for original story, Flux Puppy: Ecological app for measuring carbon dioxide

Source: Phys.org