Innovations through hair-thin optical fibers

Scientists at the University of Bonn have built hair-thin optical fiber filters in a very simple…

Lasers create miniature robots from bubbles

Robots are widely used to build cars, paint airplanes and sew clothing in factories, but the…

How fellow students improve your own grades

Better grades thanks to your fellow students? A study conducted by the University of Zurich’s Faculty…

The idea of an environmental tax is finally gaining strength

An extra 290,000 pounds a year for lighting and cleaning because smog darkens and pollutes everything:…

Early breeding reduced harmful mutations in sorghum

When humans first domesticated maize some 9,000 years ago, those early breeding efforts led to an…

New tool for assessing the benefits, risks and sustainability of the consumption of fish

Researchers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili’s (Tarragona/Spain) research group TecnATox have optimized the website FishChoice,…

ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/21/2021

ISS Reboost – Today, the ISS performed a reboost using the aft Progress 75P R&D thrusters.…

Fossil burrows point to ancient seafloor colonization by giant marine worms

Giant ambush-predator worms, possible ancestors of the ‘bobbit worm’, may have colonized the seafloor of the…

6 Things to Know About NASA’s Mars Helicopter on Its Way to Mars

Ingenuity, a technology experiment, is preparing to attempt the first powered, controlled flight on the Red…

Climate change: Trump's Paris withdrawal was 'reckless' – John Kerry

US Special Envoy on climate John Kerry says President Trump’s Paris pull-out endangered lives. …