Trilobites: A Violent Splash of Magma That May Have Made the Moon

The object thought to have formed our lunar companion may have smashed into a baby Earth…

Trilobites: If We Blow Up an Asteroid, It Might Put Itself Back Together

Despite what Hollywood tells us, stopping an asteroid from creating an extinction-level event by blowing it…

Trilobites: The Northern and Southern Lights Are Asymmetric Dancers in the Dark

Our planet’s auroras do not mirror one another, and their varying shapes result from the interplay…

During the Lunar Eclipse, Something Slammed Into the Moon

A flash spotted on livestreams was likely caused by the crash of a tiny, fast-moving meteoroid…

Trilobites: Beneath Antarctica’s Ice Is a Graveyard of Dead Continents

Data from a European satellite has revealed the tectonic underworld below the frozen southernmost continent.