Research gaps in environmental science disciplines across the Arctic

More sampling is needed particularly in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, northern Greenland, northern Taimyr, and central…

Half the amount of chemo prevents testicular cancer from coming back, new trial shows

Testicular cancer can be prevented from coming back using half the amount of chemotherapy that is…

Climate signals detected in global weather

Searched for and found: climate researchers can now detect the fingerprint of global warming in daily…

Asteroid 2019 YV4 flew past Earth at 0.98 LD

Asteroid 2019 YV4 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.98 LD / 0.00251 AU (375…

Israel Aerospace to build Israel's next communication satellite

State-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) [ISRAI.UL] said on Thursday it signed with the Israeli government to…

Media Invited to Preview Snow-Chasing Field Campaign

Media Invited to Preview Snow-Chasing Field Campaign Click here for original story, Media Invited…

Strong variability of Martian water ice clouds during dust storms revealed from ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/NOMAD

Strong variability of Martian water ice clouds during dust storms revealed from ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/NOMAD …

UNC expert helps treat astronaut's blood clot during NASA mission

UNC expert helps treat astronaut’s blood clot during NASA mission Click here for original…

Some learning is a whole-brain affair

Researchers have successfully used a laser-assisted imaging tool to ‘see’ what happens in brain cells of…

India Announces Plans For Its First Human Space Mission

It hopes to become the fourth nation, after the United States, China and Russia, to send…