Artemis Moon Rover’s Wheels are Ready to Roll

When NASA’s water-hunting robot arrives on the Moon in 2023, its all-metal wheels will have to…

Ames Contributions to NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley made significantcontributions to early mission concepts, technology development,…

2021 in Review: Highlights from NASA in Silicon Valley

With 2022 on the horizon, join us as we look back at the highlights of 2021…

NASA Selects New Members for Artemis Rover Science Team

NASA sought ideas and recently chose eight new science team members and their proposals that expand…

Building Future Air Taxis to See Through the Fog

Inside a special facility, NASA researchers tested how well sensors for future autonomous air vehicles such…

Microbial Tracking

When humans travel to the International Space Station, they bring microbes with them. Since the construction…

VIPER Practices All-Wheel Drive to the Moon

How does an Artemis rover prepare to drive off its lander and roll onto the rocky…

New Deep Learning Method Adds 301 Planets to Kepler's Total Count

Scientists recently added a whopping 301 newly confirmed exoplanets to the total exoplanet tally. …

NASA Simulates a Smooth Ride to Stabilize Air Taxis

When air taxis begin shuttling us around, the rides they offer will need to be safe…

Supercomputing Reveals "Fossil Record" of Galaxy Collisions and Mergers

How do galaxies evolve into the starry spirals famously seen by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and…