Trump's Tweets: telling truth from fiction from the words he used

Social media has supercharged the spread of information—and misinformation, which presents significant challenges when trying to…

Crowding, climate change, and the case for social distancing among trees

For many, an ideal forest is one that looks the same as it did before European…

Researchers reveal source of enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt

Combinations of stable molybdenum (Mo) isotopes and radiogenic isotopes have great potential for researchers studying mantle…

New study finds lower math scores in high schools that switched to 4-day school week

A recent Oregon State University study analyzing the impact of a shorter school week for high…

Coral skeleton formation rate determines resilience to acidifying oceans

A new University of Wisconsin-Madison study has implications for predicting coral reef survival and developing mitigation…

Researchers find tradeoff between water quality and emissions on the farm

With water quality guidelines compelling more farmers to act on nitrogen loss, cover crops and split…

Morphological fingerprinting could help identify side effects and new bioactive compounds in drug discovery

Pharmaceutical researchers speak of a hit when they come across a promising substance with a desired…

Snowbirds caught in pandemic turbulence feed economy, seek stability, and still face uncertainty

Snowbirds—the hundreds of thousands of Canadian retirees who travel south for the winter—faced numerous hurdles due…

Fake poop helps evicted owls settle into new neighborhood

Settling into a new home can be tough for anyone. So scientists have come up with…

Team develops microscope to image microbes in soil and plants at micrometer scale

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have developed a custom microscope to image microbes in soil…