Reducing traps increases performance of organic photodetectors

Physicists at the Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) discovered that trap…

Proteins unspool DNA so cells can take on unique properties

Biologists have long wondered how complex organisms contain a variety of dramatically different types of cells…

Flowery diets help predatory insects help farmers keep pests in check

Predatory insects have been shown to live longer when they have access to nectar and pollen,…

Chimpanzee friends fight together to battle rivals

Chimpanzees, one of the closest relatives of humans, cooperate on a group level—in combative disputes, they…

Aging dams pose growing threat: UN

By 2050, most people on Earth will live downstream of tens of thousands of large dams…

Fungi strengthen plants to fend off aphids

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have demonstrated that unique fungi strengthen the immune systems of…

The seven rocky planets of TRAPPIST-1 seem to have very similar compositions

A new international study led by astrophysicist Eric Agol from the University of Washington has measured…

Geoscientists reconstruct 6.5 million years of sea level stands

The pressing concern posed by rising sea levels has created a critical need for scientists to…

Methods in studying cycad leaf nutrition found to be inconsistent and incomplete

Collective research to date regarding nutrients found in the leaves of contemporary cycad species has been…

Making protein 'superfood' from marine algae

Marine microalgae-based cellular agriculture is a promising new way to sustainably produce plant-based ‘meat’ and healthy…