Engineers find neat way to turn waste carbon dioxide into useful material

Chemical engineers from UNSW Sydney have developed new technology that helps convert harmful carbon dioxide emissions…

Passing challenging introductory chemistry course gives biggest boost to underrepresented students

Studies have shown that students from certain backgrounds are less likely than their peers to complete…

Intracellular biopsy technique for fast microRNAs profiling in living cells

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are gaining more attention in studies of human diseases such as cancer, because changes…

Molecular twist makes one catalyst useful for three hydrogen applications

Scientists from Kyushu University and Kumamoto University in Japan have developed a new catalyst capable of…

Research team achieves massive sexual conversion of the malaria parasite in a dish

A research team at ISGlobal, an institution supported by the “la Caixa” Foundation, has developed a…

Ancient bird figurine recovered from refuse heap the oldest instance of East Asian 3-D art

A small bird carving—the oldest instance of East Asian three-dimensional art ever discovered—is described in a…

Island 'drowning' is not inevitable as sea levels rise

Coral reef islands across the world could naturally adapt to survive the impact of rising sea…

Researchers mimic nature for fast, colorful 3-D printing

Brilliantly colored chameleons, butterflies, opals—and now some 3-D-printed materials—reflect color by using nanoscale structures called photonic…

Great Lakes continue to rise; Lakes Michigan, Huron likely to top records September

Experts predict record-breaking levels this summer as the Great Lakes continue to rise as two of…

Acoustics put a fresh spin on electron transitions

Electrons are very much at the mercy of magnetic fields, which scientists can manipulate to control…