EPA drops regulation for contaminant harming babies' brains

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday ended an Obama-era drive to regulate a widespread contaminant in…

Age discrimination laws don't protect older women as they do older men

Older women in the workforce should be considered collectively as a unique demographic group that includes…

Goodbye 'extinction,' hello 'evanescence'? Validating a new paradigm

Naturalist and zoologist Georges Cuvier established extinction as a distinct field of science in a series…

RV Polarstern returns to the MOSAiC floe

After a month’s absence, on 17 June the German research icebreaker Polarstern rendez-voused with the MOSAiC…

Innovation by ancient farmers adds to biodiversity of the Amazon, study shows

Innovation by ancient farmers to improve soil fertility continues to have an impact on the biodiversity…

Exploring mass dependence in electron-hole clusters

In solid materials, when an electron changes position without another to fill its place, a positively…

Protecting Earth from asteroid impact with a tethered diversion

Our planet exists within the vicinity of thousands of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), some of which—potentially hazardous…

A simple and universal design for fuel cell electrolyte

Researchers at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,…

Genetic detectives ID microbes suspected of slowly ruining humanity's treasures

A new study of the microbial settlers on old paintings, sculptures, and other forms of art…

Reducing the risk of space debris collision

As humanity expands its horizons beyond the Earth and begins to consider space missions with extended…