RV Polarstern returns to the MOSAiC floe

After a month’s absence, on 17 June the German research icebreaker Polarstern rendez-voused with the MOSAiC floe at 82.2° North and 8.4° East, after having left it on 19 May 2020 to exchange personnel and bunker supplies near Svalbard. Full of energy, the research team for the fourth leg of the expedition, which consists of experts from 19 countries, is looking forward to continuing the one-year-long MOSAiC expedition and its research on the ocean, ice and atmosphere in the Arctic. Earlier this week, their predecessors from Leg 3 returned to Bremerhaven/Germany on board the research vessels Sonne and Maria S. Merian.

Click here for original story, RV Polarstern returns to the MOSAiC floe

Source: Phys.org