Quantum rings in the grip of laser light

Ultracold atoms trapped in appropriately prepared optical traps can arrange themselves in surprisingly complex, hitherto unobserved…

Spacecrafts get a boost in 'aerogravity assisted' interactions

In a recent paper published in EPJ Special Topics, Jhonathan O. Murcia PiƱeros, a post-doctoral researcher…

Using LEGO to test children's ability to visualize and rotate 3-D shapes in space

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a test that uses children’s ability…

Off the scales: Fish armor both tough and flexible

Humans have drawn technological inspiration from fish scales going back to ancient times: Romans, Egyptians, and…

Fossilized fish could indicate rich deposits of valuable rare-earth metals

Rare metals crucial to green industries turn out to have a surprising origin. Ancient global climate…

Efficient indium oxide catalysts designed for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol

Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide (CO2) is a green and sustainable means of synthesizing commodity chemicals…

Scientists reveal a lost eight billion light years of universe evolution

Last year, the Advanced LIGO-VIRGO gravitational-wave detector network recorded data from 35 merging black holes and…

Studying the Neandertal DNA found in modern humans using stem cells and organoids

Protocols that allow the transformation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines into organoids have…

Scientists solve a thorny problem

“Why do plants have thorns?” is an easy question: The thorns help protect against hungry animals…

Commerce in a time of COVID

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused by the recently emerged virus SARS-CoV-2 is affecting everyone’s lives in…