The crew of the International Space Station–astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, and cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, RN3DT–could be on the air for Field Day 2004. ISS Ham Radio Project Engineer Kenneth G. Ransom, N5VHO, says he’s sent Field Day operating instructions and pass times to the ISS support team at Johnson Space Center for relay to Fincke this week.

“Those instructions state that Mike should be operating as NA1SS, ‘1 Alfa ISS,'” Ransom said. “Mike was also notified that anytime he is over North or South America would be a chance to operate.” Ransom says that if Padalka gets on the air, he’ll identify as RS0ISS and give the same exchange. Fincke and Padalka would use the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) radio gear aboard the spacecraft.

Since most ISS passes over North America will already have occurred by the time Field Day gets under way at 1800 UTC on June 26, the ideal pass times sent to Fincke are for the following day. Here’s the pass schedule for Sunday, June 27–all times UTC: Southern and northeastern US: 0753-0811; Western US: 0927-0947; Northwestern US: 1103-1123; Northeastern US: 1415-1435; Central US: 1551-1611; and Southwestern US: 1727-1743.

“As with any Amateur Radio operation aboard the ISS, the crew gives of their free time to participate, and, as such, may not be available on every pass,” Ransom said, adding that it’s also possible that “more pressing events” may preclude Field Day participation altogether.

Ransom pointed out that a space walk is scheduled for just a few days before Field Day, and the crew “will still be in the process of getting back to a normal schedule when Field Day is in full swing,” he said.

The tentative plan calls for Fincke to be on FM using the standard ISS voice frequencies for contacts in ITU Region 2–144.49 MHz up and 145.80 MHz down. Ransom said that if Padalka also participates, he would operate on the same 2-meter frequency pair, and the Expedition 9 crewmates would likely trade off on passes.

Since ARISS has two radios aboard, it’s possible that both Fincke and Padalka could get on the air at the same time. If that happens, one would be on 2 meters while the second would operate 437.55 MHz FM simplex. Ransom cautions, however, that Doppler shift in the 70-cm band is significantly greater than on 2 meters.

If it turns out that the Expedition 9 crew cannot participate in Field Day 2004, Ransom says the RS0ISS packet station should be on and available for ground stations to work each other via the packet digipeater using “ARISS” as the alias for the call sign in UNPROTO mode. Frequencies are 145.99 MHz up and 145.80 MHz down.

ARRL Contest Branch Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, says he was happy to hear that hams aboard the ISS may once again be on the air for Field Day. “We look forward to seeing lots of reported QSOs with Mike–and perhaps Gennady–during Field Day 2004.”

Henderson notes that ISS voice or packet contacts do not count for bonus satellite contact points because the ISS is not an “Amateur Radio satellite,” as event rules specify. Field Day has no specific rules relating to ARISS operation because there’s no guarantee that the crew will be able to get on the air for the annual exercise.

In 2001, astronaut Susan Helms, KC7NHZ, thrilled Field Day participants by showing up unexpectedly on the air and working several dozen stations. ISS crew members have participated in the event each year since.

ARISS is an international educational outreach with US participation by ARRL, AMSAT and NASA.