NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical Research
selected 17 scientists to receive grants to conduct research
in advanced human support technologies.

These technologies could have a significant impact on the
ability of humans to safely conduct long-duration space flight
missions, improve environmental technologies, and may also
improve quality of life on Earth.

Grants are awarded for one to three year efforts and are
worth up to $8.8 million over three years. Research under
these grants will enhance safe human space flight in both
the near-Earth orbit, where the International Space Station
operates, and in exploration of the solar system beyond
Earth orbit.

Six of the grants are for new technologies in advanced
environmental monitoring of space habitats. One grant
addresses a strategy for advanced control systems. Two
projects address advanced food technologies. Two projects
focus on advanced technologies for extravehicular activity.
Six others address novel approaches to waste processing,
including air revitalization, water recycling, thermal
control, and treatment of solid wastes.

NASA received 113 proposals in response to the research
solicitation released in March 2002. The proposals were
peer-reviewed by scientific and technical experts from
academia, government, and industry. In addition to technical
and scientific merit, relevancy to NASA programs and
feasibility of implementation were also selection criteria.

For a listing of the selected researchers, listed by state,
along with their institutions and their research titles,
please see: