20 years of Canadian Space Excellence

Twenty years ago, on October 5, 1984, Marc Garneau became the first Canadian to travel into space. Today, that rumbling of the launch pad still resonates as a proud and historic moment for Canada and Canadians.

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is marking this important Canadian Space milestone on October 6, 2004 during the unveiling of a specially designed, high-tech, interactive kiosk commemorating the 20th anniversary of Canadian space flight and the successes of the Canadian Space Program. This public event will take place following a presentation to Vancouver school students who will be invited to join Dr. Garneau, President of the Canadian Space Agency, Chief Astronaut Julie Payette, Canadian Astronauts Chris Hadfield and Bjarni Tryggvason, and other dignitaries at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver, B.C. It promises to be a memorable occasion as we celebrate a truly Canadian space milestone.

This premier event is part of a series of space-related community activities-called SpaceFest-complementing the proceedings of the world’s leading space forum, the International Astronautical Congress. Vancouver is spaceport for this conference October 4 to 8, 2004.

Over the course of the year, the specially designed Canadian Space Agency kiosk will travel to science and space museums in communities across Canada.

First Canadian launch:
October 5, 1984, 7:03 a.m.
from Kennedy Space Center in Florida

For more on the 20th anniversary, visit