AFSPC 30th Anniversary: Pioneer Franklin R Collbohm

As we celebrate Air Force Space Command’s 30th Anniversary we recognize individuals who played a significant role in the history of the Air Force space and missile programs – our Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers …

Mr. Franklin R. Collbohm (inducted in 1989) directed the RAND Corporation from its inception in 1946 as Project RAND, until his retirement as president in 1967.

During World War II, he was a member of a team that studied ways to improve the effectiveness of the B-29. The team was unique because of the unprecedented level of interaction between the military and technical civilian personnel. Inspired, Collbohm became an influential advocate of the need to establish a think tank to provide a continual flow of sophisticated advice on the need for certain weapons systems and the feasibility of their development. Collbohm proposed Douglas Aircraft house a civilian gro