AFSPC Space and Missile Pioneers – Col Quenten A. Riepe & Dr. Robert M. Salter, Jr.

As we celebrate Air Force Space Command’s 30th Anniversary we recognize individuals who played a significant role in the history of the Air Force space and missile programs – our Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers …

This week we recognize Colonel Quenten A. Riepe, USAF and Dr. Robert M. Salter, Jr.,

Colonel Quenten A. Riepe played an important role in Air Force space history as the first project manager for the defense satellite program. As Chief of the Flight Research Lab at Wright Air Development Center (WADC), Col Riepe completed one of the first space utility and feasibility reports to determine methods and goals. Also, Col Riepe’s RAND liaison officer duties on the Advanced Reconnaissance System, MX-2226 (Project 1115) involved overseeing many aspects of the development of reconnaissance satellites: attitude, guidance, and control; a solarelectrical energy converter; intelligence processing methods; the auxi