AFNIC engineers play key role in CSAF’s Unified Engagement 2012 Wargame

For the Air Force Space Command’s Air Force Network Integration Center Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) team, the future is always now. That’s because engineers Keith Jeffery, Sameep Sanghavi and Matt Schramm are experts in performing analysis and designing communications models and cyber simulations to support Air Force wargames that envision the world as it might be 12 years from today.

For the past eight years, the AFNIC DNA team has played a crucial role in Unified Engagement (UE), a series of wargames held in two-year cycles at the direction of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. The purpose of the wargames is threefold: first, to educate, train and equip current and future leaders so they’re better-prepared to develop strategies and make critical decisions in wartime; second, to test the effectiveness of new technologies and concepts, and third, to provide input to the CSAF based on findings from game play to support and validate AF programs.