Inspirational Vandenberg Women: Launch group commander beats breast cancer, continues to serve

Editor’s note: This is the third story in a four-part series on inspirational Vandenberg women.

Many people hum when they’re happy or bored, but not many people have hummed because their life depends on it.

The 30th Launch Group commander did just that while getting an ultrasound on a suspicious lump in her right breast tissue.

“I can still remember when the doctor performing the ultrasound had this worried look on her face and said, ‘hum,'” said Col. Shahnaz Punjani, 30th Launch Group commander. “I thought she was talking to the resident but she was talking to me… she was telling me to hum. So I hummed, and it turns out that sound doesn’t attenuate through a tumor. You can see little sound waves bouncing around the circumference of a tumor. So I was told I needed to come in for a biopsy the following week.”