Space Expo

A full-scale model of ESA’s eight-tonne Envisat environmental satellite at the entrance to the Agency’s Space Expo visitor centre in the Netherlands. Space Expo is taking part in Sunday’s Open Day at ESA’s ESTEC technical heart with a special offer.

Open Day visitors can pay €1 to visit Space Expo in full on Sunday – a €10 discount on the standard year-round price (children 4–12 years of age normally pay €7).

This admission price includes a hand stamp so that visitors can return at their leisure throughout the day to visit Space Expo’s unique set of attractions, ranging from engineering models of major European spacecraft and Ariane rocket elements to space-themed rides and even a piece of Moon rock, displayed next to a full-size mock-up of an Apollo lunar module.

Space Expo is open year round, and also offers regular tours of ESTEC to the general public.

Launched in 2002, Envisat remains Europe’s largest satellite for Earth observation, carrying 10 instruments – the predecessor of Europe’s current Sentinel family. Its rectangular radar antenna is seen in front of its body, with its solar wing unfurled behind it.

If you are planning to attend the ESTEC Open Day, please remember to register here to ensure your entry.