Launch positions

ESA astronaut Tim Peake testing his Sokol pressure suit and Soyuz spacecraft seat in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, in preparation for his launch to the International Space Station on 15 December.

In the run-up to launch astronauts flying in a Soyuz spacecraft test their tailor-made seats and pressure suits to ensure a snug fit. The suit protects them in case of a sudden loss of pressure, and on launch day they might be worn for many hours as the astronauts wait in their capsule for liftoff.

The Soyuz seat is moulded to the astronaut’s body to be as comfortable and safe as possible, absorbing the vibrations during take off and the shock of landing.

Tim will be launched together with commander Yuri Malenchenko and NASA astronaut Tim Kopra. The trio will spend six months working and living on the International Space Station.

Follow Tim Peake and his mission via and watch the launch live on the ESA website, liftoff is set for 11:03 GMT.