ARISS UK have released an edited 73 minute video of the ARISS contact between Tim Peake GB1SS and the Oasis Academy Brightstowe, Bristol GB1OAB which took place on February 19, 2016.
The video starts with a summary produced by the students at the school of their involvement in, and activities carried out, during their study of Space and STEM. This portion of the video concludes with the school band performing a cover of a number of songs related to space!
Sir David Parker, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency welcomes everyone present before handing over to Ciaran Morgan M0XTD (at approx 20 minutes) from ARISS who begins the ARISS programme with an introduction of the team, their roles and all the equipment that has been brought to the school to help facilitate the contact.
The actual ARISS contact starts at approx. 37 minutes.
After the contact has finished, the school head students concludes the afternoon with a thank you speech.
Watch Oasis Academy Brightstowe ARISS contact
BBC TV reports on Oasis Academy Brightstowe ISS contact
A list of the questions asked by the students is at
ARISS Principia site
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