Getting Started with Amateur Satellites 2016

Getting Started with Amateur Satellites 2016 Front CoverThe 2016 edition of the book Getting Started with Amateur Satellites is now available from the AMSAT-UK shop.

This excellent book is written by G. Gould Smith, WA4SXM and Friends. This year’s edition has been thoroughly updated and the book is now 176 pages long, covering all a beginner (and an experienced operator) needs to know about getting set up, listening to, and operating through the amateur satellites.

With information on, AO-73, UKube-1, the upcoming Fox-1A, Fox-1B, Fox-1C, Fox-1D, and Fox-1E, it also includes information on several satellites of interest to radio amateurs expected to be launched in the coming year.

As last year, AMSAT-NA and the authors have very kindly allowed AMSAT-UK to print copies in the UK, and make them available from the AMSAT-UK shop at