UBSEDS18 around the world balloon

UBSEDS18 Solar Powered Balloon

UBSEDS18 Solar Powered Balloon

A UK student built balloon carrying APRS and 434 MHz payloads is expected to complete its 2nd circumnavigation of the northern hemisphere on Tuesday afternoon .

The solar powered UBSEDS18 was developed by students at Bristol University and launched on Wednesday, August 17. Since then it has traveled in an easterly direction for over 62,000 km and is expected to cross Normandy on September 20.

The inovative balloon utilizes a LIC1235R 40F li-ion supercapacitor to enabled continued transmission after sunset.


Richard Meadows M0SBU, who worked on the development of UBSEDS18, took the amateur radio training courses run by the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS) at Danbury in Essex. Further information on the courses is available from the CARS Training Coordinator, Christopher G0IPU
Tel: 07908-107951
Email: training2016 at