Air Force Space Command’s Labor Day Safety Message

Labor day marks the end of summer and the last few days of the 2009 critical days of summer safety campaign. We lost a valuable member of our afspc family in june — not on vacation; just driving home from work on a two-lane blacktop in the middle of the day. Based upon air force statistics, four airmen die each month while driving, riding or swimming. Let’s stop this trend and end the summer season without another fatality. 

Many of our air force fatalities this year were caused by other drivers. It’s a combat zone out there. You must remain vigilant every time you drive or ride — stay off your cell phone and wear your seat belt. One third of the airmen who died in automobile mishaps this summer were ejected from their vehicles because they didn’t wear a seat belt. Statistics tell us that if you don’t wear a seat belt, you are 29 times more likely to be ejected; and if ejected, your chances of survival are slim. 