CAS-4A and CAS-4B Launch Expected – Frequencies Announced

XW-2A satellite launched September 19, 2015

XW-2A satellite was launched September 19, 2015

CAMSAT has worked closely with a Beijing Government aerospace contractor to build two satellites with amateur radio linear transponder payloads. A launch had been planned for March 31, 2017 from Taiyuan into a 524 km Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) with an inclination of 42 degrees.

Both will carry a 435/145 (U/V) 20 dBm (100 milliwatt) SSB/CW linear transponder, a 2m CW 17 dBm (50 mW) telemetry beacon and an AX.25 4.8 kbps GMSK 20 dBm (100 mW) telemetry downlink.

The two micro-satellites will also carry optical remote sensing missions. Planned to be 494x499x630 mm dimension regular square shape and approximately 50 kg mass with three-axis stabilization system.

These frequencies have been coordinated by the IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel:

• Linear transponder downlink 145.870 MHz, emission designator 20K0V8WWF, output power 20 dBm
• Linear transponder uplink 435.220 MHz
• CW telemetry beacon 145.855 MHz, emission designator 100HA1AAN, output power 17 dBm
• GMSK telemetry 145.835 MHz, emission designator 16K0F1DCN, output power 20 dBm

• Linear transponder downlink 145.925 MHz, emission designator 20K0V8WWF, output power 20 dBm
• Linear transponder uplink 435.280 MHz
• CW telemetry beacon 145.910 MHz, emission designator 100HA1AAN, output power 17 dBm
• GMSK telemetry 145.890 MHz, emission designator 16K0F1DCN, output power 20 dBm

IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination pages