Horizons mission timelapse – highlights

Experience magical moments from ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst’s Horizons mission in this timelapse of highlights from space.

Combining thousands of images taken by Alexander over more than six months, this Ultra High Definition video provides a glimpse into spacecraft operations and the beauty of Earth as seen from the International Space Station.

Marvel at orbital sunrises, dancing auroras, city lights, oceans, clouds, the Milky Way, the release of cargo vehicles, a Soyuz launch and more against the thin band of atmosphere that surrounds our planet.

Watch in 4K resolution for the best effect and find even more of Alexander’s images on Flickr at https://www.flickr.com/photos/astro_alex/

Music is Quantum and Time by Igor Dvorkin, Duncan Pittock and Ellie Kidd sourced from the Audio Network library.

Follow Alexander and the #Horizons mission on social media via http://alexandergerst.esa.int and on http://blogs.esa.int/alexander-gerst/