Airman saves man’s life with simple life saving techniques

It’s a class all servicemembers go through, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation training. A training that when put into a real situation is often the deciding factor between life and death. Some might wonder if they will ever be called upon to perform CPR.

For Staff Sgt. Eddie Ramirez, a battalion air liaison officer with the 13th Air Support Operations Squadron at Fort Carson, Colo., that chance would soon arise.

Just 24-hours after receiving CPR recertification, Sergeant Ramirez was going about his morning physical training session at a local YMCA, Oct. 5, when he noticed a worker running frantically to the aid of a 79-year-old man. Bill, as Sergeant Ramirez knows him, often exercises at the same times he does. Bill was lying on the track when the worker rushed over.