CAS-7B to launch July 22

CAS-7B / BP-1B satellite schematic diagram

CAS-7B / BP-1B satellite schematic diagram

Alan BA1DU reports the Amateur Radio satellite CAS-7B (BP-1B) is expected to launch at 05:00 GMT on July 22, 2019

The launch vehicle Hyperbola-1 will run for 862.0206 seconds and then CAS-7B satellite will be deployed at 05:14:22.0206 GMT.

CAS-7B is a spheriform spacecraft of 500 mm diameter with a mass of 3kg
• CW Telemetry Beacon: 435.715MHz 20dBm
• V/U FM Transponder Downlink: 435.690MHz 20dBm, 16kHz bandwidth
• V/U FM Transponder Uplink: 145.900MHz 16kHz bandwidth

The launch from Jiuquan will be into a into a 300 km 42.7 degree inclination orbit.

Provisional TLE for tracking:

1 99999U 19203.21831019 -.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 00008
2 99999 042.7339 005.2478 0013606 285.8754 218.2911 15.94575752000011

CAS-7B information

Click here for original story, CAS-7B to launch July 22

Source: Amsat UK