My Space Dream wraps up with some highlights!

We loved finding out about your videos!

Your Space Dreams, whether they are serious, concerned about the planet, enthusiastic, technical or artistic, are a source of inspiration and made us proud of our work… We also had some good laughs at your creativity and bold grasp of what space could give us in the future. A sincere thank you to all for your dedication and sharing your dreams with us! Here’s a selection with some of our favourites.

My Space Dream competition takes place against the backdrop of Space19+, ESA’s Council at Ministerial level. It’s a vital time for Member States to share their ideas and ambitions for their space agency and commit to the exciting projects and missions needed for the years ahead. Great space activities like the International Space Station, the Ariane launcher family, and landing on a comet with Rosetta started as dreams and aspirations – what new dreams will become reality in the next generation?

Click here for original story, My Space Dream wraps up with some highlights!

Source: ESA Top Multimedia