Opinion: Trump's continued climate denial and the fires of California

Last week I attended a corporate board meeting in California for the Willdan Group, a for-profit corporation largely devoted to the modernization of our energy system. The company is in the energy efficiency business and is one of many private firms demonstrating that it is possible to turn a profit while helping our country save money on energy and reduce greenhouse gases. As the meeting proceeded, I kept checking to see if the fires engulfing the state would make their way to LAX and keep me from returning home to New York. They didn’t. California’s ever-more experienced firefighters managed to contain the fires. But while I was in California, my Columbia University colleague Park Williams and a number of Earth Institute researchers were providing expert commentary to the media on the relationship of climate change to the fires of California. This summer, Park and a number of co-authors published an important article in the journal Earth’s Future. In the piece titled “Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire in California,” Williams and colleagues found that:

Click here for original story, Opinion: Trump’s continued climate denial and the fires of California

Source: Phys.org