Buckley Warriors Pow Wow With Lakota, Yaqui and Shawnee Warriors

Mother, Father, Great Creator,
Thank you for giving us life
Please continue to smooth our path
As we make our journey through life
So that we the people may continue to live, love, and learn

Opening Prayer for the 2010 Native American Heritage Month Observance – Delivered by TSgt Deann Gallegos, ARPC

There are interesting parallels between the warrior cultures of America’s past and the warrior culture that protects our country today. “Integrity First; Service Before Self; Excellence in All We Do” are the USAF core values, gleaned in no small part from the Native American sentiment that character counts. Buckley, in the form of 2nd Lt. Jared Rutkovitz, 460 CONS, welcomed CMSgt (Ret.) Bob Vasquez, Course Director for the USAF Academy Center for Character Development’s VECTOR! (Vital Effective Character Through Observation and Reflection) to the Buckley AFB Native American Heritage Month Observance on the 19th of November, and got