Maryland's signature fish is under assault from mercury pollution

In late March, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it would stop enforcing many anti-pollution laws because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On Aug. 31, as the Trump administration recently announced, the EPA is ending its lax enforcement approach. But that might be in the eye of the beholder. If there’s been a consistent policy coming out of Washington these past three years, it’s the White House’s desire to deregulate polluters of all types but most notably in the energy sector (and more on that in a moment). To suggest the EPA is a paper tiger is probably an insult to paper. And there is inevitably a price to be paid for this laxity whether it’s the official pandemic-related five months extra-hands-off or just years of enforcement stand-down unrelated to the coronavirus.

Click here for original story, Maryland’s signature fish is under assault from mercury pollution
