Space and the COVID-19 crisis: The value of Earth observation data


Replay Day 2 of the online Global Space Economic Workshop – ‘Space and the COVID-19 crisis: The value of Earth observation data during and after the crisis’, recorded on 9 July 2020.

During this workshop Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director of Earth Observation Programmes presented the value of Earth observation data during and after the COVID-19 crisis.

The round table moderated by Charlotte Mathieu, Head of Industrial Policy and Economic Analysis Section discussed how space data can help with monitoring the impacts of the pandemic and how this will assist the recovery in the post-COVID world. Yves Louis Desnos, Head of the Data Applications Division and Anca Anghelea, Earth Observation Open Data Scientist and Nicolaus Hanowski, Head of the Mission Management and Ground Segment Department took part in the panel discussion.

Access the other online workshops in this series.

Click here for original story, Space and the COVID-19 crisis: The value of Earth observation data

Source: ESA Space News