1240-1300 MHz discussed at CEPT SE 40 meeting

CEPT LogoThe 69th meeting of CEPT ECC Working Group SE-40, held June 23-25, discussed the amateur radio 1240-1300 MHz band, the meeting documents are now available.

Several contributions were received for the ECC Report dealing with the coexistence between the radionavigation-satellite service and the amateur service in the frequency band 1240 – 1300 MHz. The contributions were incorporated in the draft ECC Report. The CPG arrangements for the preparation of WRC-23 for AI 9.1 topic b) was noted.

The Russian Federation noted:
1240-1260 MHz is by the GLONASS system
1260-1300 MHz are used by EU’s Galileo, Beijing’s Beidou, Japan’s QZSS and is planned to be used by Korea’s KPS.

Among the documents available in Input, Info and Minutes are:
• SE40(20)052 Amateur Repeaters – IARU-R1
• SE40(20)051 Section 2 update WI_39 – IARU-R1
• SE40(20)050 Annex Draft report RNSS Amateur – Russian Federation
• SE40(20)049 Suggestions for RNSS and Amateur Service Compatibility – Russian Federation
• Info 1 Amateur repeaters 23 cm – IARU-R1
• Info 3 Letter to SE40 chairman on updated of ITU-R M.1092 – European Commission
• Minutes
• SE40(20)56A3 (1) Draft Report Amateur vs RNSS

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Source: Amsat UK