Mobiliscope: Hourly population and social mixing in French and Canadian cities

Is this neighborhood more frequented during the day by white or blue collars? By women or men? Which mode of transport is most used to get to the city center during the day? What are the most appropriate public service opening hours for these potential clients? By mapping the demographic and social characteristics of the population on an hour-by-hour basis, the Mobiliscope geovisualisation platform provides answers to these types of questions. A total of 65% of the French population is now covered by the new version, which has been redesigned to meet the needs of those involved in urban planning and mobility. Developed by a CNRS team, Mobiliscope uses data mainly from the Center d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement (Cerema) and is supported by the Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires.

Click here for original story, Mobiliscope: Hourly population and social mixing in French and Canadian cities
