Anaesthetic-related mortality in horses cut by half in the past 20 years

CEPEF4 is the largest study globally on anesthetic-related mortality in horses. Three researchers from the Faculties of Veterinary Studies of Edinburgh, Zurich and the CEU Cardenal Herrera of Valencia, along with the two British authors who founded the study, have just published in journal Animals the preliminary results on the first 6,701 cases of anesthesia and 1,995 cases of sedation registered. According to CEU UCH Veterinary Anaesthesiology professor José Ignacio Redondo, co-author of CEPEF4, “this initial data reveals an encouraging and significant decrease in equestrian anesthetic-related mortality, down from 1.9 percent to 1 percent, and to just 0.2 percent of animals in the cases of procedures conducted under sedation.”

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