Earthquakes and tsunamis in Europe?

Since the tsunami that devastated coasts around the Indian Ocean in December 2004 and the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, people worldwide are aware that geological processes in the ocean can cause significant damage. From a European perspective, such events are seen to occur mostly in distant regions. “It is often forgotten that the European coasts are also located in areas that are tectonically very active—and that many catastrophes have occurred here in the past”, says Prof. Dr. Heidrun Kopp, a geophysicist from GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and co-chair of the European Marine Board working group on this topic. The European Marine Board is an association of major national marine or oceanographic institutes, research funding agencies, and national consortia of universities with a strong marine research focus from across Europe. Under Prof. Kopp’s leadership, a position paper on marine geohazards has now been published.

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