M6.5 solar flare erupts from Region 3296, CME produced on May 7 heading our way

A moderately strong M6.5 solar flare erupted from Active Region 3296 at 03:54 UTC on May 9, 2023. The event started at 03:42 and ended at 04:05 UTC. This was the 12th M-class solar flare since M4.3 on May 3. It was followed by M1.2 at 06:13 UTC, also from Region 3296. The CME produced on May 7 was modeled and analyzed and the likely result is impact to Earth late on May 10 to early May 11.


Click here for original story, M6.5 solar flare erupts from Region 3296, CME produced on May 7 heading our way

Source: Space Weather