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The NSSC supports the Agency’s internal effort to create an environment conducive to streamlining and simplifying grants and cooperative agreements. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), through the establishment of the NSSC, has transitioned to a consolidated model for the award and administration of all Agency grants and cooperative agreements. The consolidation is designed to achieve efficient and effective service, improve data quality, standardize processes, leverage skills and investments, and provide economies of scale.

Grant Forms

Grants Status Search 
Request a No-Cost Extension

Guidance of NASA Insignia Use

NASA has formulated new guidelines which are aimed to simplify and expand NASA Insignia use by NASA grantees (including cooperative agreement recipients, collectively herein, “Grantees”).

Payment Management System

The Payment Management System (PMS) is a tool to help grant recipients draw down funds and file the Federal Financial Report (FFR).

Federal Financial Reports (SF-425)

The grantee requests funds via Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) / Payment Management System (PMS) using their User Identification and Password. The Federal Financial Report (SF-425) electronically submitted by grantees will be for reporting purposes as it applies to the originating procurement requirements.
The FFR 425 must be filed within 30 days of the end of the quarter (instead of the 45 days allowed for filing the PSC 272). If the 425 is not filed within the allotted time, the PMS account will be blocked from further drawdowns until the report is filed. Reporting cash transaction data using the FFR 425 replaces the use of the Federal Cash Transaction Report (PSC272 / SF-272). Additional information and training are available on the Payment Management System web site at The PMS help desk number is 1-877-614-5533. 

Quick Reference Guide for completing the FFR 425 in the PMS
Federal Financial Report (FFR) due dates


Assurance Of Compliance With The NASA Regulations Pursuant to Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs (NF1206)
Technical Evaluation and Justification for Single-source Grant or Cooperative Agreement Action
Technical Evaluation and Justification for Unsolicited Grant or Cooperative Agreement Action

Recipient Performance Validation Form


Active Grant Information Circulars  
Archive Grant Information Circulars
Alerts to NASA Grant Community About COVID-19 Archive
Active Grant Notices
Archive Grant Notices
Grants and Cooperative Agreements 101: An Overview of Federal Financial Assistance
NSSC Grants Payment Package
NASA Research Opportunities Online (NSPIRES)
System for Award Management (SAM)
NRA or Cooperative Agreement Notice Proposers’ Guidebook
NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Regulation and Policy
NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM)
2 CFR 200
2 CFR 1800 
14 CFR 1274

Required Documentation for Award Packages

The link above will provide you with all the required documentation for: New Awards, Multi-Year Funding Supplements, and Supplements (augmentations).

NASA Office of Inspector General 

P.O. Box 23089
L’Enfant Plaza Station
Washington, D.C. 20026

To file a complaint regarding denial of equal opportunity or discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age; go to:​​​​​​​

Useful Information

OMB FAQs 2021

Click here for original story, Grants

Source: NASA Breaking News