Glenn “Stars” Showcase Research and Technology

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Glenn “Stars” Showcase Research and Technology

Left to right: Glenn’s Darcy DeAngelis, Dr. Rickey Shyne, Gretchen Moralles-Valle, Carlos Flores, and Dr. Jamesa Stokes share information on NASA Glenn’s technology and mission during “Evening With The Stars.”
Presenters highlight Glenn’s technology and missions during the annual Evening With the Stars event.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

NASA’s Glenn Research Center’s “An Evening With the Stars,” held Aug. 29 at Windows on the River near Cleveland’s historic waterfront, showcased research and technology innovations that addressed this year’s theme, “NASA Glenn Now – NASA Glenn Forever.”   

 The event, which attracted sponsors and guests from more than 50 companies, universities, and organizations, featured opening remarks by NASA Associate Administrator Bob Cabana, NASA Glenn Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon, and Ohio Aerospace Institute President John Sankovic. 

Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon addresses an audience from a podium on stage.
Glenn Center Director Dr. Jimmy Kenyon introduces the speakers.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

Kenyon then introduced the presenters – NASA’s stars of the evening – and their topics. 

Carlos Flores, chief of the Strategic Planning Branch for Facilities and Infrastructure, shared details on Glenn’s Facilities Master Plan. This plan ensures the center possesses the facilities and capabilities to meet future mission requirements while maintaining the agency’s critical infrastructure.   

Carlos Flores, in a suit, smiles as he addresses an audience from a stage.
Carlos Flores details Glenn’s Facilities Master Plan.
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna

Dr.Rickey Shyne, director of Research and Engineering, highlighted some of Glenn’s current and future technologies. Shyne leads and manages all research and development competencies in propulsion, communications, power, and materials and structures for extreme environments in support of NASA’s aeronautics and space missions.   

Dr. Rickey Shyne, in a suit, smiles as he addresses an audience from a stage.
Dr. Rickey Shyne highlights some of Glenn’s current and future technologies.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

Three early – career employees shared their personal journeys to NASA and how they’re contributing to the agency’s current and future missions.

Dr. Jamesa Stokes explained how she’s using materials science and engineering to protect human life and flight vehicles on Earth and in space.   

Dr. Jamesa Stokes smiles as she addresses an audience from a stage.
Dr. Jamesa Stokes explains how materials science and engineering can protect human life and flight vehicles.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

Gretchen Morales-Valles highlighted the history of Glenn’s Icing Research Tunnel and how its research will pave the way for the future of flight.   

Gretchen Moralles-Valle smiles as she addresses an audience from a stage.
Gretchen Morales-Valles highlights the history of Glenn’s Icing Research Tunnel.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

Darcy DeAngelis outlined how – through system safety – NASA controls and mitigates risks to ensure astronauts return home safely.  

Darcy DeAngelis smiles as she addresses an audience from a stage.
Darcy DeAngelis outlines how NASA controls and mitigates risks for astronauts.
Credit: NASA/Jef Janis

In closing, Kenyon affirmed NASA’s readiness in returning to the Moon with Artemis, our commitment to changing the way we fly here on Earth, and how Ohio is making our exciting missions possible.

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Source: NASA Earth News