A guide to eclipse vocabulary

Lunar eclipses

Lunar eclipse: A celestial event that occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth’s shadow to be cast on the Moon, resulting in a darkening or reddening of the Moon.

Total lunar eclipse: When the entire Moon is fully covered by Earth’s shadow, causing it to appear dark and reddish-orange during totality.

Partial lunar eclipse: When only a portion of the Moon passes through Earth’s shadow, causing a darkening of only a portion of the Moon’s surface.

Penumbral lunar eclipse: A subtle type of eclipse where the Moon passes through Earth’s penumbral shadow, causing a slight dimming of the Moon’s brightness.

Blood Moon: A popular term for the Moon’s appearance during a total lunar eclipse when it takes on a reddish hue due to scattering and the refraction of sunlight through Earth’s atmosphere.

Super blood Moon: When a lunar eclipse happens during a supermoon, when the Moon is full during a point in its orbit when it is closer to Earth.

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