See for yourself | The Planetary Society

Do you want to see a brighter future for space? Anyone who lives in the United States can join The Planetary Society’s annual Day of Action in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 17 and 18, 2023. We’ll train and equip you to advocate for the importance of space science and exploration, and arrange for you to meet with your representatives in Congress to get your message across to the people who decide the future of NASA’s budget. Sign up now. Pictured: Participants of the 2019 Day of Action in front of the US Capitol building. Image credit: Antonio Peronace for The Planetary Society.

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An algorithm has found its first potentially hazardous asteroid. Mario Jurić and Ari Heinze from the University of Washington lead the team that developed HelioLinc3D, a next-generation asteroid discovery algorithm that has successfully identified its first target. They join this week’s Planetary Radio to discuss what’s next, and how algorithms like this one can help defend our world.

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Have you ever wondered what traveling in space would actually be like? Mary Roach certainly has. The best-selling science writer explored the (sometimes bizarre) realities of keeping humans alive and well in space in her book “Packing for Mars.” She’ll join Planetary Society members in the online member community on Sept. 7 for the monthly book club meeting to discuss her book and the research that went into it and answer audience questions. Not a member? Sign up today.

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