NASA sends cat video 31 million kilometres through space

A video of Taters the cat chasing a laser light has been beamed back from space


NASA has broken its own record by transmitting ultra-high-definition video over a distance of 31 million kilometres. The footage wasn’t of distant celestial bodies or spacecraft, but of a cat called Taters chasing a laser pointer.

Abhijit Biswas at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) tells New Scientist that Taters was chosen for the first transmission over that distance because RCA’s first television test broadcast also featured a cat, and that the inclusion of a laser pointer was a visual nod to the use of lasers in the transmission.

“Apparently this cat is very fond of chasing laser pointers, so somehow that all came together in this video,” says Biswas.

The 15-second video was transmitted from NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment, which is hitching a ride with the Psyche spacecraft that launched in October to intercept an asteroid of the same name.

The video of Taters – a cat belonging to a JPL employee – was shot and uploaded to the craft before launch. The video also shows Psyche’s orbital path, Palomar’s telescope dome and technical information about the laser and its data bit rate.

The DSOC experiment will send high-bandwidth test data to Earth during a two-year run, and is part of NASA’s long-term plan to use lasers rather than radios to transmit information. This will enable wider bandwidths and therefore faster data transfer rates that can carry complex scientific information, high-definition imagery and video for future missions.

“DSOC is really a proof of concept which hopefully will make believers out of everybody that this can be done,” says Biswas. The technique has been used to send data between the moon and Earth, but that is a mere 384,400 kilometres. Biswas says longer distances should be possible in future.

“It’s a very narrow beam; at the distance that Psyche is right now, it covers only a few hundred kilometres,” says Biswas. “So if you mispoint it ever so slightly you’ll be in the Pacific Ocean or somewhere else. You’ll completely miss. So that was something there was a lot of anxiety over.”

The video was transmitted at near infrared wavelength by a laser transceiver and took 101 seconds to travel the distance between the craft and Earth.

The 267-megabits-per-second message was received by equipment at the Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California, before being transmitted over the internet to the JPL in Southern California, where the video was played in real time. That data rate makes DSOC faster than most domestic broadband connections.


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