Get to know Joshua Kutryk


Interviewer: Josh, if you could participate in the Olympics, which sport would you be in?

Joshua Kutryk: If I could participate in the Olympics, I’d be a cyclist.

Interviewer: Favourite subject in school?

Joshua Kutryk: My favourite subject was physics because it explains on a basic level how everything works.

Interviewer: If size and weight weren’t an issue what item would you carry with you into space?

Joshua Kutryk: If I could take anything to space maybe I’d take my bike.

Interviewer: What’s your favorite plane to fly?

Joshua Kutryk: My favourite plane to fly is the simplest plane I’ve ever flown, it’s a paraglider.

Interviewer: What is something that you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?

Joshua Kutryk: Sailing across an ocean.

Interviewer: Where do you feel most at home?

Joshua Kutryk: I think I feel most at home in the cockpit of an airplane at the controls

Interviewer: What song can you listen to over and over again?

Joshua Kutryk: Hallelujah.

Interviewer: Do you have a special routine before flying?

Joshua Kutryk: That. I just make sure I have my lucky coin.

Interviewer: If you could travel anywhere where would it be?

Joshua Kutryk: I’d like to go to Antarctica.

Interviewer: Are there any facts about being an astronaut that people would be surprised to hear?

Joshua Kutryk: They might be surprised to hear that most of the job is right here on earth and it’s not really about flying to space at all.

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