Celebrating Software Defined Radio


At Ham Radio 2024, the International amateur radio exhibition, last week in Friedrichshafen, Germany, the Software Defined Radio Academy (SDRA) celebrated its 10-year anniversary. Founded in 2014, the SDRA has become a new platform for the exchange of knowledge surrounding software defined radio. In the early years, the academy’s lectures were recorded with primitive camera technology, but today a video team takes the recordings to a completely different level. The SDRA’s YouTube channel now has 150 uploads, 4850 subscribers, and many more views of the videos.

The winners of the Ulrich L. Rohde Award, created in 2022 for innovative research in the field of software defined radio, were also announced:

The GNU Radio project for its good software solutions for software defined radio (SDR) technology. GNU Radio is a free software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software-defined radios and signal processing systems.

The DARC-AJW team for the SDR questions in the new questionnaire and the standardization of education. According to group leader Matthias Jung, DL9MJ, posting on X, the team’s work “focused on integrating SDR into the German amateur radio exam and educational materials.”

Rob Robinett, AI6VN, with Paul Elliot, WB6CXC, for their fundamental work and influence on scientific research in other areas.

Christoph V. Wüllen, DL1YCF, with Laurence Barker, G8NJJ, for fundamental work on stations.

Dr. Rohde, N1UL, has been an avid amateur radio operator holding several licenses in the United States and Germany. He has been licensed since 1956 and involved in technology and systems and has received worldwide recognition. In 2015, he won first place in the ARRL DX Contest in the Northern New Jersey Section. He also operates N1UL/MM on his yacht, the Dragonfly, and is Trustee of the Marco Island Radio Club, K5MI.

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