Sols 4246-4247: Next Stop: Fairview Dome

Today’s plan kicked off with a lengthy DAN passive activity and imaging of the REMS UV sensor with MAHLI. APXS followed with a short measurement on Jack Main Canyon alongside usual imaging support from MAHLI. Morning measurements with APXS, referred to as touch-and-gos (or a hover-and-go in this case, since we did not actually touch Jack Main Canyon with APXS) have become less frequent recently as the summer season’s relatively warmer temperatures hinder APXS’s data quality. Also in the first sol of the plan, ChemCam’s laser analyzed a rock named “Budd Lake,” which was also captured by Mastcam. Mastcam additionally imaged “McGee Creek,” “Granite Park,” “Lamrack Col,” and conducted a sizable 49-image mosaic on “Red Devil Lake” to round out the bulk of the science planned today. Curiosity then completed a drive of about 24 meters (about 79 feet), which is expected to mark its arrival to Fairview Dome.

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