Opportunities with ESA at Big Science Business Forum 2024



ESA is part of the Big Science Business Forum 2024 event on 1–4 October in Trieste, Italy. This is where industry and Europe’s leading science organisations, research infrastructures and their collaborators will meet to inform, network and discuss business opportunities in a market valued at nearly €10 billion annually.

This year the focus will be to expand prospects for creating a European Big Science market which includes technological developments, economic investments, and facilitates entrepreneurial opportunities across the continent.

In the lead up to this event, some of the co-organising Big Science Organisations (CERN, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ESS, European XFEL, FAIR, ILL, F4E, SKAO) offered site visits to interested industry participants at their own establishments.

The Big Science Business Forum (BSBF) is dedicated to ensuring that companies gain a comprehensive insight into how to do business with each of the Big Science Organisations (BSOs).

During this BSBF, ESA as part of the organising committee, will be active in the exhibition area, business-to-business meetings and many of the conference sessions and presentations.

Visit ESA in Exhibition Hall 27, Booth 39

Teresa Riesgo, Ministry of Science and Innovation and ESA’s Geraldine Naja at the ESA stand at BSBF2022 in Granada, Spain

An open exhibition space spanning two halls will hold 163 stands representing 133 institutional participants and international high-tech companies from around Europe. This builds on the success of previous editions of the BSBF in Copenhagen and Granada, which brought together about 1000 delegates from 500 organisations and 30 countries.

For many businesses, BSBF offers the chance to come face to face for the first time with Big Science Organisations to find out what they have to offer, introduce themselves and discuss working together.

ESA welcomes visitors to its booth A39 in Exhibition Hall 27 where representatives will be available to present ESA and its activities. ESA is also available for pre-planned meetings with companies interested in working with ESA.

Conferences and plenary sessions

ESA will take part in the BSO roundtable, and conferences and plenary sessions on technology, procurement, careers at ESA, ‘SME involvement and engagement initiatives’, and ‘Women in big science’.

Claire Régus, Head of the ESA Science & Exploration Contracts division emphasised the importance of supporting access to opportunities offered by all Big Science Organisations, stating: “We are well connected and actively engage with many key players in the Big Science market. We hope that the Big Science Business Forum will be a great occasion for exchanges and will provide industry – especially SMEs – with a comprehensive overview of the exciting opportunities available. We hope that all attendees gain a clear understanding of the vast potential that working in space and with ESA in particular, has to offer.”


View the programme and register before 23 September to join BSBF2024.

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