By Ward Silver, NØAX
Imagine a weekend without a single full-bore pro football game. (American football, my DX and soccer-aficionado friends.) Not one. No hours of pre-game jabber. No amazing on-screen graphics and gadgets. No breathless half-time reports or injury updates. What is a right-thinking person to do? How about the CW Sprint?
The NCJ North American CW Sprint runs on Saturday evening, February 2nd, 2025, from 0000 to 0359 UTC, or as they say on TV, 7 PM Eastern, 6 PM Central (sorry, Mountain and Pacific zones). Logs are due February 9th. Complete rules are available at (The March RTTY Sprint is March 9th!) Teams of up to five persons can be registered on the contest website at any time up to the start of the contest. Let the funny names flow!
While the only multipliers are NA countries, US states, and Canadian provinces, contacts from *anywhere *count for QSO points. There are *lots* of opportunities for DX friends around the world to make a few QSOs and set a record for their country!