Pluto and Charon might have formed with a kiss. Recent research suggests that the dwarf planet and its largest moon may have formed through a “kiss-and-capture” process that differs from most other moon formations. Adeene Denton from the University of Arizona joins this week’s Planetary Radio to discuss her team’s research on the unusual origins of these two worlds. Pictured: Charon, imaged by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. Image credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute/Alex Parker.
How will we talk to ET if we can’t talk to other intelligent species in our own world? The latest Planetary Society virtual book club meeting explored this topic in a conversation with Denise Herzing, the author of “Is Anyone Listening? What Animals are Saying to Each Other and to Us.” Dr. Herzing has been studying dolphin communication in the wild for 40 years, a topic that has led her to consider how we might someday strike up a conversation with beings from another world. Book club meetings are exclusive to Planetary Society members, but anyone can watch the recording of the event.
Up next in the book club: an astronaut’s perspective. Our February book club pick is “Orbital” by Samantha Harvey, which follows the experiences of a fictional crew aboard the International Space Station. Book club members will get a peek into the real experience of life in space in a live virtual Q&A with astronaut Nicole Stott, who spent a total of 104 days in space as a crew member on both the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. Live book club meetings are exclusive to Planetary Society members.
The Day of Action is the best way you can speak up for space. Will you join us? The Day of Action brings advocates from across the United States to Washington, D.C., to meet with their representatives in Congress and take direct action to support planetary exploration, planetary defense, and the search for life. This year’s Day of Action takes place on March 24. Early bird registration ends Feb. 14, so sign up today!